Men’s Health Studies

Neil E. Wolkodoff1, Gerald M. Haase2, and Bethany Braunstein3
1Colorado Center for Health & Sport Science: Denver, CO.
2University of Colorado, Department of Surgery: Aurora, CO.
3Boulder Community Hospital, Department of Dietetics: Boulder, CO.


Purpose: Limited research has assessed the value of polyphenol supplements in neurological function and sports reaction measures. A highly concentrated extract of citrus bergamot polyphenols was tested because of extensive publications demonstrating benefits in oxidative stress and dyslipidemias, and therefore might improve visual components. Methods: Nineteen (19) volunteers, aged 49-75 years old, were studied. Subjects were randomly assigned to either the placebo or intervention groups. Fourteen (14) subjects consumed BergaMet Sport, a high concentration polyphenol compound, and five (5) controls consumed a placebo. Weight, body composition, visually directed balance, sports vision reaction time, and a sevencomponent sports vision battery were measured at time 0 and 60 days. Results: The subjects who received the intervention improved to statistically significant levels in all sports vision and balance measures compared to the placebo group. The key measures of time to balance task (5.76 second increase Placebo (PL) vs. 15.51 second decrease/improvement Intervention (INT)), reaction time test (73.6 point improvement PL vs. 492.5 point improvement INT) and the sports vision ranking composite of seven measures as a percentile to normative (.654 point improvement in percentile ranking for PL vs. 6.33 point improvement for INT), were all significant (P=<0.05), using paired Student's ttests. Conclusion: In this investigational pilot study, consumption of a high concentration polyphenol from Bergamot produced significant improvements in neurological function related explicitly to visual components, balance and reaction time in this older age group in a relatively short time. Further investigation in similar, older age groups attempting to regain and maintain function in domains related to vision and reaction time is warranted in respect to polyphenol compounds.
Vincenzo Mollacea,b,*, Natalia Malaraa, Santo Gratteria, Ernesto Palmaa, Luca Zappiaa, Nicola Costaa, Giuseppe Rosanoa,b, Sara Paonea
a Institute of Research for Food Safety & Health (IRC-FSH), University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Viale Europa, Loc. Germaneto, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
b Consortium NutraMed S.C.A.R.L., Catanzaro, Italy


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a complex disease occurring mainly in patients with metabolic disorders including Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic syndrome. It correlates with an increased occurrence of cardiovascular disorders including coronary artery disease and heart failure. Alongside with the development of inhibitors of 5-PDE (sildenafil, tadalafil etc.), many medicinal plants used in traditional medicine have been claimed to produce potential benefit in approaching ED, though further clinical evidences are required in order to demonstrate their efficacy in counteracting such a disease state. Here, we summarize some of recent advances in treating ED in diabetic patients via bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF 47%), a natural antioxidant known to lower serum lipids and glucose. In addition, the effect of BPF alone or in combination with Tribulus Terrestris and Epimedium extract in supporting endothelial function and reactive vasodilatation has been explored after 120 day treatment via International Index of Erectile Function, Doppler penile flow detection and Endopat measurements, showing a significant beneficial effect in overall parametres studied to assess ED. Thus, BPF alone or in combination with other medicinal plants represents a novel natural therapeutic option for counteracting ED in patients with cardiometabolic disorders, mostly due to its activity in supporting endothelial function and modulation of penile arteriolar blood flow.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Therapy, April 10, 2018
Rocco Mollace1, Micaela Gliozzi2, Annamaria Tavernese2, Vincenzo Musolino2, Cristina Carresi2, Miriam Scicchitano2, Ernesto Palma2, Saverio Nucera2, Francesca Bosco2, Federica Scarano2, Francesca Oppedisano2, Alessia Maretta2, Jessica Maiuolo2, Saverio Muscoli1, Santo Gratteri1, Francesco Romeo1 and Vincenzo Mollace2*
1School of Cardiology, University of Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
2Institute of Research for Food Safety and Health, Department of Health Sciences, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy


Background: The study aimed to evaluate the effects of a 4-week Bergamot Polyphenolic Fraction (BPF Gold; Bergamet Sport) supplementation on serum nitric oxide (NO), asymmetric dimethyl-arginine (ADMA), Endopat indices of endothelial function and maximal oxygen uptake (V_ O2max) of athletes. Methods: The effects of dietary supplementation (BPF Gold, 650 mg twice a day for 4 weeks) and placebo administration on fl ow-mediated dilatation (via Endopat measurements), serum markers (NO, ADMA), lipid profi le, and V_ O2max were analysed in 30 athletes both before and after dietary protocols. Results: Signifi cant differences between pre- and post-intervention baseline NO levels were observed after BPF Gold dietary protocol. Higher post-intervention baseline NO level was observed after BPF Gold diet compared with placebo. Moreover BPF Gold Sport increased baseline NO concentration (∆NO). The positive correlation was observed between baseline post-intervention NO concentration and maximal oxygen uptale and also between ∆NO and ∆VO2 max in response to BPF Gold supplementation. There was an association between a higher Edopat values of endothelial function and higher VO2max after Bergamet Sport diet compared with lower values of placebo. Conclusion: These fi ndings suggest that an increase in NO release in response to BPF Gold Sport supplementation may play a central role in cardiovascular adaptive mechanisms and enhanced exercise performance in athletes.